
抖音一给带一给带日文歌是什么歌, Tik Tok有许多优美的歌曲。今天,我在Tik Tok听到了一首非常优美的歌曲。这首歌的歌词是:“一个对一个,一个对一个,一个对一个”,这是一首日本歌曲。

The title of this music is 《生》, which is the theme song of Japanese TV series 《只有吉祥寺是想住的街道吗?》. The song is composed and sung by Japanese singer Aimei, and the Chinese song is 《她曾活过啊》.



边肖推荐:Tik Tok神曲集


《生》 Lyrics Sharing Words: Love the People

Song: Love the People

In this area two days ago.

Suicide by jumping off a building

There is news.

Bloody sailor

have no one to depend on/turn to

Soon, this is the bait of the internet.

"Because it is dangerous.

Please leave. "

Instead, this sentence is like a signal to call.

Those naughty guys

Shoot like a fool

Flowing to icy asphalt

That blood can't say anything.

Red is very beautiful, very beautiful

I am crying

I am crying

Know nothing.

Outside the cathode ray tube

Live, live, live, live.

Live, live, live.

The last goodbye was not others.

Yell at yourself.

The last tears she shed

Living evidence, red blood.

To adults who know nothing about it.

It will be erased in two seconds.

Yellow tape that is off limits.

"Only seen in TV series"

In the case of such languages everywhere.

What the hell is she doing now?

You're thinking about it.

In the distance, in the distance

I want to cry.

I want to cry.

It's dark after a long day.

Live, live, live, live.

Live, live, live.

When something new starts.

Will you want to disappear?

"put the existing life

Try your best to live "and so on.

It's beautiful

call up all one's courage

She flew in the sky.

Turn into a bird and catch the cloud

Turn into the wind, towards the distant

Fly away with hope

Live, live, live, live.

Live, live, live.

When something new starts.

Will you want to disappear?






网友精选评论区一期一会:有人说。 人的一生会死亡三次。 第一次是断气的那一刻,从生物学角度来说的死亡。 第二次是举行葬礼的时候,这一刻你的身份将在这个社会上抹除。

第三次是这世界最后一个记得你的人死亡,这一刻将是真正的死亡。 从此,不会有人知道你,来过这个世界。




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