


The International Monetary Fund has revised its forecast of China's economic growth to 5.4 percent from 5 percent in October due to a stronger-than-expected third-quarter output and recent policy announcements.国际货币基金组织将其对中国经济增长的预期从10月份的5%上调至5.4%,主要是因为第三季度经济增长表现强于预期以及最近发布的一系列政策。

Gita Gopinath, the IMF's first deputy managing director, said on Tuesday that the Chinese economy is projected to grow by 5.4 percent in 2023, reflecting a strong post-COVID rebound in domestic demand, particularly consumption.国际货币基金组织第一副总裁吉塔·戈皮纳特7日表示,中国经济有望实现政府2023年的增长目标,这反映出中国经济正在持续恢复向好。

In 2024, China's economy is expected to grow by 4.6 percent, up from the previous forecast of 4.2 percent, Gopinath added.戈皮纳特表示,2024年中国经济预计增长4.6%,高于此前预测的4.2%。

She made the remarks at a news conference in Beijing after an IMF team visited China from Oct 26 to Tuesday to conduct discussions on the 2023 Article IV Consultation, whereby the team held constructive discussions with senior officials, private sector representatives and academics to exchange views on economic prospects and risks, reform progress and challenges, and policy responses.10月26日至11月7日,国际货币基金组织代表团对中国进行了访问,就涉及中国经济年度评估的2023年第四条磋商与中方进行了讨论。该代表团与中国高级官员、私营部门代表和学者进行了建设性的讨论,就经济前景和风险、改革进展和挑战以及政策应对交换了意见。




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